
Clubs provide students with opportunities to engage with their peers across faculties , gain valuable leadership experience, and work to achieve common goals, while developing social and professional relationships. Clubs are crucial to the student experience on campus and consistently preparing and planning engaging student events and activities. .

Books and Beyond

Are you an aspiring writer looking for a place to hone your penmanship? Or are you longing for a platform to pour out your frustrations with the world? Then the Books & Beyond club is just the place for you! This club is fuelled by a desire to instil a love for reading and embrace the art of writing.

  • You get to dabble into creative expressions of all kinds 'a mix of writing, reading, book discussions, poetry recitals and performances -allow you to embrace the different avenues that expression can take.
  • You can experiment with forms of poetry - from Cinquains & free verse to Limericks & blank verse-, weave prompts into stories, and find ways of expression that appeal to each one.
  • You can explore new forms of writing like the trendy and compact micro-fiction, flash fiction and the more popular Terribly Tiny Tales.
  • Experienced speakers ' ranging from poets to writers and even students from other institutions ' are invited to chair sessions that will open up new worlds of possibilities to you.
  • Club sessions witness animated performances, expressions of ideas and feelings on topics as diverse as parental pressure and open relationships to fake news. Some are humorous, others serious and nostalgic but all are thought-provoking and pull at the heartstrings of the audience.
  • You will be updated about different writing challenges, online and offline, which you are encouraged to take up to develop your skills further.
  • You can contribute articles, rants, stories, even the occasional controversial piece which may raise eyebrows elsewhere but is welcomed and discussed in a moderated manner among club members. After all, as Evelyn Hall professes, 'I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it.' This is the mantra that lies at the core of this club.

Club Cadenza

Singers! Songwriters! Musicians! Here's your chance to showcase your talent and be a part of our college band. The Music Club is a place that will recognize your talent and give you the platform you need to grow and learn in the field of music in Goa. Apart from simply celebrating music for festivals we will hold interactions with experienced musicians, talented singer-songwriters and many others doing their bit in the music industry. So, if you're into music, join in for all the fun and learning!

  • To establish two or more bands via auditions to be sent for competitions as well as to represent our college for intercollegiate events
  • To invite professionals to encourage students to enhance their journey in music.
  • To produce original/cover music videos
  • To collaborate with other clubs & committees


Nature treats us gently and nurtures us throughout our life; but human greed destroys it. Destruction of the environment leads to disastrous consequences for the human beings. This is the right time to wake ourselves up and take up our future in our hands. If you want to be a nature-warrior, this is the club for you!

  • We believe in fostering a mindset of sustainable development among our students. We do not feel that the environment needs to be forsaken for us to be developed. This is why, our club aims to change people's outlook about the environment in our own little way.
  • Although we may not always have a voice strong enough to stop major damage being done around us, we choose to start in smaller ways. From plantation drives to beach cleanups and awareness campaigns ' every small move we undertake is likely to create a ripple effect in the world around.
  • Our club undertakes campaigns and drives on e-waste management, hygiene and sanitation, waste management, embracing organic lifestyles, recycling, etc., in order to instil values of volunteerism thereby turning you into green ambassadors, ready to take up the cause for our planet.
  • We take up environmental films for discussion, trying to analyze and arrive at solutions that can be applied locally. We love nature and can't see it disappear at such a rampant pace.
  • We join the ambassadors for change to make a better world for us and for our future generations.

Heritage Club

If you are a paleophile keen on learning more about your culture, the stories that surround the different villages of our state, the beliefs, practices and inscriptions that dot some of the most well-known monuments, then you've come to the right place!

  • The Heritage Club helps you explore Goa enjoyably. From discovering untouched waterfalls, finding monuments stuffed with history and romance to letting greenery erupt as you fling seed bombs across barren hills and mountains ' we strive to bring a change by learning and educating others to come take this journey with us.
  • The heritage of Goa has long been a topic of interest. Yet, most of us lack sufficient knowledge about the blend of styles, languages and cultures that have trickled into our inheritance. We agree with Marcus Garvey, 'People without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture are like trees without roots.'
  • We learn to unearth stories from the archives of our fore-fathers, explore prayer-sharing traditions in Konkani, at times Latin and Portuguese, taste some of the most mouth-watering recipes that this tiny state has given to the world, gain insight into home-made remedies that have passed down through generations, hear languages that flow like the sounds of the river, witness dances and many other elements of who we are and how we identify ourselves.
  • We get to become a voice for past generations, telling their stories and getting others on board to share and explore these facets of our identity.
  • From having walks and excursions to facilitating promotions of heritage places, partaking in traditional festivals like the 'Bonderam Pasoi', exploring stories that lie unwritten yet never forgotten, this is a trip you wouldn't want to miss.


The IT Club of the Department of Computer Applications, Don Bosco College, Panjim is a community for technology enthusiasts focused on information technology, software development, cyber-security, and emerging tech trends. It offers members opportunities to enhance their technical skills through workshops, training sessions, and collaborative projects. Activities include programming, web and app development, cyber-security training, and exploring new technologies like cloud computing. The club aims to keep members updated on the latest IT advancements while fostering a collaborative environment for learning and innovation.

  • Aims:
  • 1. Skill Development: To help members develop technical skills in various areas such as programming, networking, cyber security, and data analysis.
  • 2. Knowledge Sharing: To provide a platform for members to share knowledge, resources, and experiences related to IT.
  • 3. Project Work: To engage members in collaborative projects that apply IT concepts and techniques to real-world problems.
  • 4. Workshops and Training: To organize workshops, training sessions, and seminars on emerging technologies and tools.
  • 5. Networking: To facilitate networking opportunities with professionals, alumni, and other students interested in IT.
  • Objectives:
  • 1. Organize Regular Workshops: Conduct workshops on various topics such as web development, cyber security, data science, and emerging technologies.
  • 2. Facilitate Hands-On Projects: Initiate and complete projects that facilitates the members in practical applications of IT skills.
  • 3. Host Guest Lectures: Invite industry professionals to give guest lectures or webinars.
  • 4. Competitions and Hackathons: Participate in IT competitions or hackathons and host IT events
  • 5. Skill Development Sessions: Provide coding practice sessions or tech talks to help members improve their technical skills.
  • Goals:
  • Host Successful Workshops: Conduct workshops on different IT topics.
  • Competition Participation: Participate in various IT competition organised by the department and colleges in Goa Career
  • Development: Provide career support activities, including resume workshops and mock interviews, etc.
  • Networking Opportunities: Active participation in networking events with industry professionals and alumni
  • Professional Development: Ensure students participation in professional certification course or online training program related to IT.
  • Maintain Engagement: Ensure consistent engagement by holding meetings and maintaining.


While the college strives to provide the finest quality of education, students also need to be enriched in forms of learning apart from academic. The National Service Scheme provides students the opportunity to become members of a national legacy of social service.

  • The student-centric wing of the NSS allows thousands of students to be a part of this organization every year to foster a more nurturing society.
  • Under NSS, students undergo a development of their mind and personality.
  • Some of the activities that students can participate in include Blood Donation Camps, Environment Cleanliness Drives, Old Age home visits, Campus Cleaning Drive, Orphanage visits, Tree plantation drives and more.
  • This program is geared to make students part of an idea much bigger than any individual.
  • This community enables students to give back to society, give help to the downtrodden and lead enriching lives.
  • You will undoubtedly experience fulfillment by helping others and understanding that a life lived in service of others, is a life well lived.

Photography Club

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could seal some moments in memory so that they never go away? Sadly, not all memories stay intact within the recesses of our mind, but those captured through the eye of a lens certainly do! Welcome to Pixels ' the Photography Club of Don Bosco College.

  • If you have an eye for beauty or simply wish to create memories and freeze them in time, this club is the ideal place to learn and upgrade your skills in photography.
  • Photography isn't merely the snap of a camera shutter' it is more, far more! A good photograph speaks volumes ' from capturing emotions and expressions to disseminating them in a way that causes the onlooker to feel it too. From sketching the Camera Obscura to developing a film camera role, you get to explore the many things that are possible with a camera today.
  • You get to enjoy a plethora of activities, workshops and talks by expert photographers during the year. You will not just be educated about techniques, skills and career opportunities but will get to enjoy photo walks, photo shoots and more to help you feel the power that lies in the art of photography.
  • We will explore the world of lifestyle photography, nature photography, shadow photography, you name it, so that by the end of it, you are left not just educated but satisfied, with a camera role full of memories to prove it.
  • Whether you love admiring the architecture around or enjoy witnessing festivals and partaking in adventures when travelling the world, we'll show you how to make these memories last a lifetime so that you can relive these moments even fifty years down the line!

Red Ribbon Club

The Red Ribbon Club aims at harnessing the potential of the youth by equipping them with correct information on HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Support and Treatment.

It also aims in building their capacities as peer educators in spreading messages on positive health behavior in an enabling environment and increasing voluntary blood donation from among youth.

  • To reduce new HIV infection among youth by raising their risk perception through awareness of Sex, Sexuality and HIV & AIDS.
  • To induce among youth the spirit to help and support people living with HIV/AIDS (PHLA) thereby reducing stigma and discrimination against PHLAs.
  • To motivate youth and build their capacity as peer educators and change agents by developing their skill on Leadership, negotiation and team building.
  • To promote voluntary non-remunerated blood donation among youth.

The Cinemaniacs

Lights! Camera! Action! If you're passionate about working behind the camera, performing in front of it, or simply captivated by the magic of movies, welcome to Don Bosco's CINEMANIACS. Join us for an exciting journey filled with movie screenings, engaging discussions, intriguing workshops, and challenging quiz competitions!

  • Promote Film Appreciation: Foster an understanding and appreciation of various film genres, styles, and histories among members through screenings, discussions, and critiques.
  • Encourage Filmmaking Skills: Provide practical opportunities for members to learn and practice filmmaking techniques, including scriptwriting, directing, cinematography, and editing.
  • Explore Diverse Cinematic Perspectives: Use films to explore and understand diverse cultural narratives, filmmaking traditions, and societal themes, promoting a broader appreciation of global cinema.
  • Organize Filmmaking Activities: Host engaging activities such as film quizzes, short filmmaking contests, and workshops to enhance members' knowledge and practical skills in filmmaking.

Wellness Club

While people are now starting to take this adage seriously, the Wellness Club of Don Bosco College has always been paving the way towards better and healthier living.

  • To function at your optimum best, your mental and physical well-being is important. The Wellness Club trains you to exercise regularly, follow healthy diets and adopt habits that enable you to develop not just academically but on a mental and physical level as well.
  • If you're interested in embracing a healthier lifestyle and engaging in physical activities to get the adrenaline flowing, this is the club for you.
  • You should know that many illnesses can be kept at bay by taking just a few minutes to concentrate on yourself, meditate, and engage in activities that help your body grow in the right ways.
  • Self-defense training to better prepare you to face any situation.
  • You can also receive coaching in games like Badminton, Table Tennis, Chess, Football and Basketball, in addition to participating and organizing inter-class and inter-collegiate activities.
  • Whether you're a sports enthusiast looking to join the big leagues or are merely interested in learning how to adopt a healthier lifestyle, this is the club to join! After all, it goes without say 'He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.'
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