College Committees

In an effort to decentralize and streamline the academic and administrative process, committees are constituted. These committees are directed towards achieving the college mission which is to provide youngsters with an integral formation of academic, professional and human commitment. The college mission acts as the benchmark for setting as well as evaluating the objectives, goals and targets of the committees.

Capacity Building

Capacity building and Extension Programs Committee conducts activities both on and off campus for the benefit of society for a better environment to live in.

  • Faculty and students are encouraged to participate in collaboration with other organizations in carrying out social outreach programs.
  • The committee organises visits to the old age homes and orphanages, bringing them necessities and also providing them with entertainment for the day.
  • The committee reaches out to the marginalised sector and offers support when in need.
  • The committee also assists in the process of village adoption and conducts activities for the villagers like vocational training.
  • The Capacity Building Program helps students by offering courses that supplement their education like language and fitness courses.

Career Counselling / Placement

Apart from teaching students about their field of interest, the college strives to groom students for the real world. Whether they wish to pursue further studies or move into the workforce, there are several talks and training programs organized to help shape students for the future. The college has a dedicated career guidance and placement committee instituted for this sole purpose

  • The Placement Cell operates round the year to facilitate contacts between companies and graduates.
  • The committee keeps track of all available job opportunities and keeps students informed by displaying them on the notice board.
  • The Placement cum Career Counselling Committee provides guidance and career options based on the aptitude of the student even as they are groomed into it.
  • The committee organises placement fairs and campus interviews with reputed companies for students of the final year to help them get secure jobs.
  • The committee also keeps students informed about higher education opportunities through sessions held by universities nationwide, agents promoting studies abroad and through career counselling sessions.
  • The committee trains students for interviews, boosting their confidence and giving them a better opportunity to secure a job.
  • From the outset students are made aware of the various job opportunities available to them after graduation.
  • Final year students are categorized based on those interested in pursuing further education in their respective fields i.e. a master's degree, a PGDM course or any other course, and those keen on working. The latter are asked to choose a minimum of two areas in their respective fields that they would like to work in.
  • Based on the needs of the former, several career guidance sessions are organized by each respective department. These include calling local universities to talk about the Masters or PGDM programs offered by them. Through this, the students get an opportunity to see what each university has to offer. Sessions that cover preparation for competitive and entrance exams of various courses, for instance, CAT, CMAT, KMAT, etc. are also conducted.
  • While those keen on moving into the workforce, after their Bachelor's program, are provided with career guidance sessions by experts from their respective departments. These sessions cover the different opportunities provided by companies in as well as tips for preparing and acing interviews. They are also given sessions that cover other relevant aspects such as the type of work, the salary, the job requirements, etc.


The years a student spends in college is crucial to his overall development. The cultural committee provides a perfect platform to learn, respect, understand and exchange different cultures. The aim of the committee is to create an environment that encourages the overall education and helps create multi-talented individuals.

  • The Cultural Committee plays a very important role in the lives of the students with regards to exposing them to extracurricular activities, promoting creativity, talent, cooperation, team work and healthy competition.
  • The committee keeps a record of all upcoming activities and events and allots students to participate in the same.
  • The committee plans and organizes cultural events on campus with the help of the students.
  • The committee motivates students to practice and participate in events organized by other reputed institutions in turn helping to realise new talent.
  • The committee encourages introverted students to explore beyond their comfort zone, trains and develops their extra-curricular skills.


As part of its 'Preventive System' Don Bosco College lays its emphasis on Reason for the holistic development of a student.

  • The Discipline Committee encourages students to reflect on their behaviour and the repercussions it can have on themselves and others.
  • The committee is attentive to personal grooming and etiquette. The committee ensures that all students attend classes well groomed from haircuts to wearing the proper shoes to maintain a sense of professionalism.
  • It attends to students' grievances and recommends suitable measures to ensure overall discipline.
  • The committee will address any discipline issue at any given time and will give a decision.
  • The committee is also responsible for decorum in the corridors and the classrooms.


To ensure that performance is at its best, we follow a process of obtaining regular feedback from students, teachers and other stakeholders with the intention of attaining higher standards in everything we do.

  • The committee is responsible for ensuring that after every internal evaluation, the marks/ grades are informed to the student within 15 days along with feedback to improve performance
  • After Semester End Exams, this committee will ensure that every subject's marks are submitted to the coordinator within a week
  • At the end of every semester, feedback of students will be taken for every subject
  • The committee will also ensure that a management and teacher evaluation is carried out at the end of the year by the teachers


The Examination Committee is responsible for the smooth conduct of examinations. Under the guidance of the Principal, the Examination Chief Conductor, the committee meticulously plans and executes the examinations according to Goa University guidelines.

  • The Committee prepares time tables for all examinations which are then displayed on the notice board when the examinations are announced.
  • The committee then disseminates the information to the students.
  • The committee prepares and allots examination halls.
  • The committee allots supervision duties to all faculty members.
  • The committee organises a session for all supervisors so that they are aware of the ordinances that cover examinations and are better prepared to handle any situation that may arise during examinations.
  • The committee makes sure the examinations are conducted as per the schedule.
  • The committee has the right to penalize students for any misbehaviour before, during and after the exams.

Extension Programs

Extension Programmes are meant to benefit society and allow students an opportunity to extend their support and assistance to the outer society.

  • Faculty and students are encouraged to participate in collaboration with other organizations in carrying out social outreach programmes.
  • The committee organises visits to the old age homes and orphanages, bringing them necessities and also providing them with entertainment for the day.
  • The committee reaches out to the marginalised sector and offers support when in need.
  • The committee also assists in the process of village adoption and conducts activities for the villagers like vocational training.

ID Card

ID cards give a sense of identity and belonging to each student. ID Cards help to identify and control access for currently enrolled students. Students who are active can easily gain access to the buildings, locker rooms, library, auditorium, parking areas, and other facilities while those who are not enrolled at the campus cannot. ID cards contain important information that is vital in an emergency like the emergency contact information and the blood group.

  • The Committee looks into the provision of ID cards for all students and faculty in the campus.
  • The Committee rectifies any irregularities in the ID cards.

Institution Innovation Council

  • To encourage and facilitate innovation and research among students, faculty, and staff.
  • To provide a platform for ideation, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
  • To foster collaboration with local industries, research organisations, and the community.
  • To identify and support innovative projects, initiatives, and events.
  • To promote a culture of continuous improvement and learning.

Internal Complaints Committee

The Vishaka Guidelines
The Vishaka guidelines were a set of guidelines that were intended to protect women at the workplace. These guidelines were instituted by the Supreme Court of India in the year 1997. The landmark judgment stated that every instance of sexual harassment is a violation of “Fundamental Rights” of equality under Article 14, right against sex-based discrimination under Article 15, right to work of women under Article 19 (1) (g) and right to life and dignity under Article 21 of the constitution of India. Another Supreme Court Judgment in January 1999 (Apparel Export Promotion Council vs. Chopra) has stated that sexually harassing behaviour “needs to be eliminated as there is no compromise on such violations”.
These are procedural in nature and state the method that is to be followed while dealing with cases related to the sexual harassment of women.

Features of the Vishaka guidelines
The main ingredients of the guidelines issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India are elucidated as follows.

Definition of Sexual Harassment
The guidelines issued by the Supreme Court widens the meaning and scope of sexual harassment. It defines sexual harassment as an unwanted sexual determination which is directly or impliedly intended to cause the following:
1. Physical contact or advances.
2. A demand or request for sexual favours.
3. Sexually coloured remarks.
4. Showing pornography.
5. Any other unwelcome conduct whether it is physical, verbal or non-verbal.

Provide a safer working environment
It is the duty of each employer to provide a safe working environment for each and every employee working in the organisation to grow and prosper. This involves taking adequate steps towards protecting the interest of the women employees and ensuring that none of the employees indulge in the practice of sexual harassment. Appropriate disciplinary action must be taken by the employer if any case regarding sexual harassment or ill-treatment of a woman employee is found.

Duty of the employer to file a complaint
The guidelines also lay down the obligation of the employer to file a complaint if the conduct towards an employee amount to a criminal offence which is punishable under the Indian Penal Code/Bhartiya Nyaya Samhita. The employer needs to initiate an action and ensure that the witnesses are not further victimised.

Complaint redressal committee
The guidelines make it mandatory for all organisations to set up a complaint redressal committee (ICC) in order to ensure that the complaints of the employees are dealt with properly and suitable action is taken in response to such a complaint.

Employer to assist the employee if she is sexually harassed
If the employee is sexually harassed or tortured by a third party, like in the case of Bhanwari Devi, an employer should assist the employee in every possible manner. This was not the case in the Bhanwari Devi case where the employer denied all responsibilities and did not assist Bhanwari Devi in attaining justice.
The guidelines provide that the employers are required to assist the employees in terms of both preventive actions and support to these victims.

Duty of employer to spread awareness
It is also the duty of the employer to spread awareness in his organisation with regard to the matters pertaining to sexual harassment and the safety of women. This can be done by notifying the employees time as well as conducting workshops and devising other interactive ways to make the female employees aware of their rights.

Duty of government to widen the scope of these guidelines
The guidelines also urge the centre and the state government to pass the necessary legislation so as to ensure that the private sector is also bound by these guidelines. This would help in the growth and prosperity of the women as well as the nation as a whole.
The Vishaka guidelines were later on replaced by The Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. The new Act passed in 2013 broadens the definition of aggrieved women to involve women of all age, in order to suit the modern-day conditions. It also broadens the scope of the term workplace which was earlier limited only to the traditional office set-up.

The Constitution of India is the supreme law of our country and must be protected and respected in every instance. The fundamental rights of equality and personal liberty should be protected and the citizens of our country should not be discriminated against on any grounds. Hence, it is legal as well as a moral duty to provide a safer work environment for women to prosper.
The Vishaka guidelines are a set of guidelines that were instituted by the Supreme Court of India to ensure the safety of women at workplaces and lays down the guidelines for dealing with the cases that are related to sexual harassment at the workplace. The Bhanwari Devi case is the most significant landmark case in the history of cases involving sexual harassment of women.
The Vishaka guidelines is a pioneering step taken to ensure the safety of women. According to the guidelines, the employers of the organisations are responsible to take preventive actions to stop sexual harassment at workplaces and to file a complaint if such Act is found to have happened with the employee.
This would ensure that the women who are sexually harassed get the required support in terms of money from their employers so that they are able to file a case in the court and be represented by competent lawyers.
Vishaka guidelines have now been superseded by the Sexual Harassment of women at the workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) Act, 2013. However, the Vishaka guidelines are the most significant set of guidelines which are believed to have helped in the development of the Act of 2013.

  • Objectives and need for the Vishaka guidelines The Vishaka guidelines were instituted due to the series of cases of sexual harassment that were registered and the rallies and campaigns that were taking place on a regular basis by various social groups who were seeking protection of women in India. After the Bhanwari Devi incident, many women groups came on streets demanding recognition of their rights as citizens of India and urging the government to take necessary actions to prevent ill-treatment of women at workplaces. At that time, the legal system of our country did not have proper legislation that could ensure the safety of women at workplaces and provide just and fair punishment to people who indulge in the heinous crimes of rape and sexual harassment. The rules that were provided by the legal system at the time were often used by the men who were accused of Sexually Harassing the women to their advantage. Also, there was no rule regarding the obligation of employer to provide support and assistance to his employee who is a victim of sexual harassment. The employers would throw these women victims out of the jobs to escape the liability and further consequences. This would leave the victim hopeless and unsecured. With the growing number of crimes against women being reported, there was an urgent need for a new set of laws that punishes the wrongdoers and ensures that women are protected at their workplaces but a new set of legislation would take a lot of time to be enacted. Thus, the Vishaka guidelines came into existence to provide a set of guidelines to prevent sexual harassment of women at workplaces and ensure that the people who indulge in the act of sexual harassment are given a justifiable punishment.


The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in September 2020 with the main objective of developing a quality system that ensures consistent improvement in the performance of the institution.

The IQAC works to ensure that the college adheres to a certain standard of excellence in all of its academic pursuits. The IQAC seeks to organise and cultivate a spirit of enquiry in teachers and students thereby upholding the vision of developing lifelong learners.

  • Prepares plan of action for academic improvement.
  • Implements the projects adopted and monitor the state of its progress.
  • Adopt remedial measure if the progress is halted.
  • Improves the overall academic ambience of the College


Library is a springboard to the future. The more you spend time in it today, the more you will benefit later. Our vast library has thousands of books for you to read, to study, to research and have an extra edge over the others. It is also a place for ideation, planing and execution. Relax as you read and enjoy the friendship of your favourite authors.

  • The committee checks into the arrangements of the library.
  • It also checks into the book allotment department wise.

  • Updates on Library Operations : Library staff will provide an overview of recent activities, circulation statistics, and any challenges encountered.
  • Discussion on Library Policies and Procedures: Review existing policies and propose any necessary revisions based on user feedback or best practices.
  • Technology and Infrastructure Updates: Discuss recent upgrades, ongoing maintenance, and future technology needs for the library.
  • Student Engagement and Outreach: Brainstorm ideas and discuss initiatives to promote library usage.
  • Budget Review and Planning: Review current budget allocations and discuss future resource needs for materials, subscriptions, and equipment.
  • Any Other Business: Open forum for committee members to raise additional topics or concerns.

Life Skill Education

Every human being has a potential to grow and progress in life with good values and virtues. The committee is focused on inculcating these values and virtues in all students. The committee understands the need to strengthen spirituality and develop inner peace in order to help students live a more balanced life and become stronger, conscientious and caring individuals in society.

  • Life Skill Education Committee ensures that every student understands the meaning of life itself, its challenges and problems and helps them to deal with any issues they come across with dignity and self-assurance.
  • The Committee organises sessions with Clergy, Psychologists, Professional trainers, life coaches etc. that provide knowledge and teach skills to cope with different kinds of problems thereby helping students to develop a winning positive attitude in the process.
  • The Committee also provides guidance to students in need by directing them to a counsellor.
  • The committee encourages social work in the form of visits to old age homes, orphanages to spread holiday cheer during the Christmas season.
  • It reaches out to the marginalised and less fortunate sections of society by providing daily necessities.
  • The committee encourages cultural diversity by organising cultural events during different religious festivals.


'The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but how it thinks.' The literary committee of Don Bosco College plays an active role in encouraging students to delve into the literary arts not only to better their knowledge of it but also to get them to analyse, think critically and thereafter express themselves when they get an opportunity to do so.

  • The committee keeps a record of upcoming literary activities organised at National and State level and allot students for the same.
  • The committee organises literary activities like debates, quizzes, spelling bee competitions, essay writing competitions for the students of the college to bring out fresh talent and in turn offer these students opportunities to showcase these talents on a larger stage.
  • The committee encourages the students to be outspoken and present their views in a more organised manner on campus activities.
  • The committee motivates students to participate in various competitions that will put their literary knowledge to the test and force them to brush up on their skills in various areas.

Media & Publicity

Mass media is one of the most powerful tools of communication in current times. Since the student's life at Don Bosco College is eventful and memorable, these memories are captured, preserved and shared with the world. The Media and Publicity Committee is the link between the college and the media world.

  • The Committee documents every event that takes place at Don Bosco College.
  • The events are covered through reporting, photography and videography by students under the guidance of the teacher in-charge.
  • The Committee gives students an opportunity and a platform to learn to report, use camera equipment and photography and video editing software. These skills are very important for students who wish to pursue a career in media and publicity in the future.
  • The memories that are captured at events, whether in the form of reports, photographs or videos are then shared through college website, local newspapers, Facebook, Instagram and other media platforms.


Meteora is an annual inter-collegiate event hosted by the College. Meteora is a platform where students showcase their talents in various aspects. Every year the committee has a theme-based event.

  • The committee organises the event keeping in mind all the areas like cultural, literary, media and management related competitions.
  • Various colleges from all over Goa are invited to participate in the event offering them a platform to showcase their talents as well as an opportunity to the students of Don Bosco College to learn to organise an event, practically teaching them management skills.
  • The committee gives students the responsibility of organizing and hosting the event wholly with the support of the members.
  • The students learn how to create a budget, obtain funds from sponsors, make promotional videos and posters, create a brochure, advertise the event on social media, learn PR skills by becoming representatives of the college to other colleges, learn to handle vendors like decorating companies and light and sound companies etc.


The Newsletter, Bosco Beats, is a printed copy of news reports and developments concerning the activities that take place during each quarter of the year.

  • The Newsletter Committee scouts journalistic and photography talent among the students.
  • The Committee encourages and nurtures students' creativity by providing them the opportunity to report and document events.
  • The committee trains students in how to write feature articles, news reports etc. and also trains them in interviewing people to gather information for news stories.
  • It motivates students to explore their literary, photography and design skills and exhibit them.
  • The committee provides journalistic opportunities and training that can be utilised if a student decides to pursue a career in journalism and media.

Nodal Office

Attention to detail is a very important facet of any institution. In a college having so many students, it is important that details are not forgotten. That's why, we have an accomplished faculty designated as the Nodal Officer of the college.

  • The Nodal Officer is responsible for providing assistance in claiming benefits of scholarships that are sanctioned across the country.
  • The Nodal Officer will verify and submit documents, ensuring that they are authentic and in accordance with the requirements of the National Scholarships Portal.
  • He ensures that student qualifications, scholarships, and extra-curricular activities are taken into consideration.
  • Applicants deserving of scholarships are identified and informed about the procedures to apply.
  • The Nodal Officer uploads information of the institute for All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) every year on the AISHE portal of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

Parent Teacher Association

Parents, Students and the Teachers are the key stakeholders of the college educational process. The Parent Teacher Association therefore has a vital role in the peaceful and efficient running of the college. All the parents and the Teachers are members of this association. The Parents are called for meetings which gives them an opportunity to interact with the teachers and the teachers to get to know a bit of their family background and study environment at home which helps them to assess their personal and academic growth.

  • The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) provides the opportunity for parents to understand what their kids learn in college and how they relate to the class environment so as to help them become well-rounded social individuals.
  • Student interactions and participation in classroom as well as student relationships between peers and teachers may be discussed, if there is cause for concern.
  • We believe in briefing parents about the Academic Curriculum, outreach programs of the college and cultural activities lined up for the year in order to keep them in the loop.
  • We appreciate inputs from parents about methods to improve and enrich students' lives and provide a nurturing environment at our institution.
  • The PTA also serves to provide feedback for teachers on student characteristics, teaching systems, governance and the like, which only serve to help us improve and forge ahead.

Prevention of Ragging

Ragging is a menace that hinders academic progress as well as the social and personal growth of students. Ragging is not permitted on campus and the committee does everything in its power to prevent it from happening.

  • The committee helps in promoting a ragging-free culture in the institution by spreading awareness of its harmful effects.
  • The committee organizes awareness sessions on human rights held by legal professionals.
  • The committee ensures that the college abides by the norms/ guidelines of Goa University for the prevention of ragging.
  • It designs strategies and action plans to curb the menace of ragging.
  • In the rare event of an allegation, the committee provides support to the victim and enforces the procedures that are outlined by the government.

Prevention of Sexual Harassment

Don Bosco College stands for equality and fairness. Any form of violence, sexual harassment and exploitation is an offence punishable by the law. This committee addresses all cases that fall under this category.

  • The committee develops and strictly implements a policy against sexual harassment of students and teachers at college.
  • The committee creates awareness among the staff and the students through awareness programs in the form of sessions held by practicing lawyers and human rights NGOs, who explain the different forms of harassment and exploitation, basic human rights, laws that cover sexual harassment and ways to deal with a harmful working environment.
  • The committee promotes a healthy working and studying environment free of violence, sexual harassment and exploitation by discouraging predatory behaviour and being very accessible in case of any malpractice.
  • It helps generate public opinion against sexual harassment and all forms of gender based violence by promoting equality in classrooms.
  • The committee encourages students to stand up for their rights and speak out for themselves and for others through organised events focusing on human rights.
  • The committee creates a mechanism to redress any complaint by a student or teacher relating to any form of harassment.


Don Bosco campus has always been associated with sports. With excellent sports resources available on campus like football grounds, basket ball court, tennis court, badminton court, the Oratory, the clubhouse etc. the college supports and encourages sports talent on campus through various sports activities, competition and events.

  • The committee promotes sports activities by motivating students and members of faculty to join in sports activities throughout the year.
  • The committee organizes regular sports events in order to train students for state and national level competitions.
  • The committee keeps a record of all upcoming sports events - national and state level, and allots students to participate in these events.
  • The sports committee is responsible for maintaining a healthy and fit campus and therefore organises yoga sessions, aerobics and fitness training.
  • The committee also encourages indoor sports activities like futsal, table tennis, chess etc.

Student Welfare, Grievance Redressal & ICCR

This committee is formed with aim of overall development of students. This committee intends to provide support to student development programmes, counselling for students, cocurricular activities and many more.

The Student Welfare and Redressal Committee promotes an inclusive environment for students of all backgrounds and cultures and also addresses and resolves grievances. It is a means by which a student who believes that he/she has been treated unfairly with respect to his/her academic or administrative affairs or is has been discriminated against can receive redressal. It is a device to settle a problem. It involves a process of investigation in which the Student's Grievance Cell enquires and analyses the nature and pattern of the grievances in a strictly confidential manner. Matters are disclosed only to those who have a legitimate role in resolving the matter. Emphasis on procedural fairness has been given with a view to the right to be heard and right to be treated without bias.

Procedure to follow:
The GRC shall follow the principles of natural justice while redressing the grievances of students.
Level 1: Staff Level
In the first level, the aggrieved may discuss the issue with the staff concerned within 5 days of the event. This informal process aims at resolving the grievance at a lower level, wherever feasible.
Level 2: Departmental Grievance Redressal Cell (DGRC)
This is a formal level wherein, in case the aggrieved is not satisfied with the outcome of Staff Level, she/he may approach the Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) by filling the online form here - within 10 days of the event.
The same will be forwarded to the concerned Departmental Grievance Redressal Cell (DGRC). The Head of the department along with the members of the GRC shall resolve, where possible, the grievance and notify all parties (student, faculty involved, GRC) in writing. The redressal report shall be submitted to the Principal within 15 days from the date of grievance reported.
Level 3: College Grievance Redressal Cell (CGRC)
In case of inter-department grievance, the GRC forwards the request for redressal to the CGRC or if the grievance is not resolved at DGRC level, the aggrieved student may approach the CGRC within 10 days after receiving the report from DGRC. The CGRC, which includes the Principal, Department Heads and members of the GRC shall then investigate the issue within 15 days from date of reporting. The CGRC shall submit the report to the College Director within 15 instructional days from the date of grievance reported and shall provide the copy of the report to the aggrieved students.

  • To put into place a grievance redressal process that ensures adequate notice, fair hearing and no bias.
  • To ensure that students feel comfortable in the environment created for them and do not have their rights violated.
  • Develop good student-teacher relationship.
  • Represent an interface between student and administration.
  • Care for hygiene requirements and other facility requirements of student.
  • Provide opportunities in leadership and team building.
  • Provide personality development and career building opportunities.
  • Provide counselling for students.
  • Address and resolves grievances.
  • Provide financial assistance by means of scholarships.
  • Provided official work assistance for ICCR students.
  • Create awareness for students in role and duty towards the welfare of society and country.

Women's Cell

The Women's Cell is constituted to help maintain a harmonious atmosphere at the institute, to enable women to pursue their work/ studies with dignity and reassurance. The committee promotes a sense of equality on the campus giving women equal opportunities to excel in their own fields. This generates a sense of confidence in women making them more outspoken and productive thereby helping the community progress.

  • The Committee's mandate is to prevent gender discrimination and inappropriate sexual conduct in classrooms, staff room, offices, sports facilities and laboratories.
  • The committee organises awareness sessions for staff and students on various topics related to women rights so that every student and teacher is aware of types of biases, prejudices, harassment that can take place in a work place and effectively handle such situations.
  • The committee also organises self defence classes that teach basic self defence moves.
  • The committee organises activities like rural women empowerment programs in the adopted village for the women of the village. These activities include a cooking competition, art related activities and many more that encourage the women to participate in social activities which are not always open to them. This gives them a sense of belonging and boosts their confidence levels.
  • The committee organises a program for the felicitation of women achievers on women's day, as a part of women empowerment.
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