14 April 2023 •  Report #

A Session on 'Wildlife Rescue: Myths, Misconceptions and Human-Wildlife Conflict'

QUICK BITE - Animal rescue awareness programe was organised in association with the College Ecotiva club on March 14, 2023, in relation with the study and awareness of wildness and environment.

'Only if we understand can we care, only if we care we will help, only if we help, we shall be saved'

Keeping this quote in mind, the SY students of the Don Bosco College from the Department of BBA group 6, organised this animal rescue awareness programme in the College A.V. Hall at 11.30am on March 14, 2023, in relation with the study and awareness of wildness and environment. This session was organised in association with the College Ecotiva club which promotes environmental awareness in the campus through different activities and commitments.

The session was delivered by the famous wildlife rescuer, Shricharan Desai who was accompanied by three forest officials. This awareness talk focussed on wildlife rescue, myths, misconceptions, human-wildlife conflict etc. The speaker along with his accomplices gave a live presentation of the reptile species which was enjoyed by the students. Mr Dessai in his session spoke about the protection of our endangered species, the role played by each biotic life and the disappearance of wild species which affects the ecological balance in an ecosystem. It was attended by more than 85 students and staff of the college.
This program was an eye opener as it highlighted the human wildlife interdependence and each one's role in society. As Theodore Roosevelt said 'The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak, so we must and we will'

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