Institutional Policy

Don Bosco College has established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities. They provide guidance to members in a number of academic areas. The College has regular maintenance and periodic replenishment of essential facilities.
College policy is to have effective mechanism for the upkeep of the infrastructure and other facilities as to have optimum utilization of the facilities in order to have effective college functioning.


General Rules for students

  • All students shall be responsible to the Principal, Director, faculty members and other designated persons for their conduct.

  • No student shall use unbecoming language or indulge in insubordination or violent behaviour.

  • No student shall possess, use or circulate pornographic material in any form.

  • No student shall cause damage of any kind whatsoever to college property.

  • No students shall resort to ragging, bullying and Eve teasing at the college campus.

  • Any form of intimidation or humiliation or ragging is strictly prohibited. Anyone found ragging is likely to be punished which may include expulsion from the college. (GU/V/Circular/42/2005/5645 dt. 18-03-2005).

  • No playing with cards of any form in the classroom.

  • Students should endeavor to maintain the high standards of the institution through their good manners, behaviour and dress code.

  • Students have to be punctual for lectures and practicals. They may not be permitted into the classroom or laboratory if they are late for the class. The College timings are between 8:55AM to 3:30AM.

  • Attendance for classes, practicals and tests is compulsory. Every student should have at least 75% attendance in each subject/practical in order to appear for the Goa University exam at the end of each semester. Absence from lectures, practicals and tests must be justified in writing to the satisfaction of the principal. In case of illness, medical certificate should be submitted; otherwise the student shall not be allowed to appear for the examinations.

  • No student may leave the college premises during class hours without permission from the Principal.

  • All Students are expected to follow dates indicated on the notice board in respect to the submission of examination forms, fees, collection of mark sheets, and submission of laboratory journals, projects and applications for personal verification of marks and other announcements. Omission to take note of such announcements shall not be a valid excuse for non-compliance thereof.

  • Smoking, drugs, and consumption of alcohol will not be permitted within the college premises. Any damage to the college property must be remedied at the cost of the offender.

  • Use of mobile phones in classrooms and in college corridors is not permitted without the exclusive permission of the attending staff. Mobile phones will be confiscated and will be returned only at the end of the semester/term.

  • Students, who discontinue their studies midway, will be given refunds as per university norms.

  • Students should refrain from giving wrong information in the student admission forms. Students will be penalized if found doing so.

Uniform and Identity Card

  • All students are expected to wear their ID cards at all times in the college premises.

  • Students will adhere to the prescribed dress code else they will face disciplinary action.

  • Black rainy shoes should be worn during the monsoons. Black leather shoes in other seasons.

  • For Boys: Beard should not exceed 5mm in length; and hair cut 5 cm in length.

  • For Girls: No sleeveless, spaghetti and no crop tops.

  • No dyeing/styling of hair shall be permitted.

Arrival and Departure from the premises.

  • Students are expected to arrive in the college premises 15 minutes before the class and remain in the premises till classes are over except when they have specific library/lab work, in which case, they should be in the library or lab and nowhere else. Students should also note that the college premises means within the vicinity of the college. If anyone is seen loitering outside the college but within the vicinity but beyond a prescribed time, disciplinary actions will be taken against them.

  • Only students of the college are allowed to enter the college premises. In case of emergency, outsiders are requested to contact the college office and obtain necessary permission/ notify the purpose of their visit.

  • No outsiders or visitors will be allowed to enter the classroom, library and computer labs.


  • Decorum of the library has to be maintained.

  • The library is open for teachers and student on all working days between 8:30AM to 4:00PM .

  • Books will be issued to the students on submission of their library cards and identity cards as per library rules.

  • Library cards will be issued to the FY students on the submission of a filled in form along with a fee receipt.

  • RFID cards will be issued to all students for a 2-3 year period depending on the course the student is enrolled in.

Campus and Facilities

  • Students are responsible for maintaining cleanliness and taking care of college property and facilities.

  • Any damage to college property due to negligence or intentional acts will result in fines and/or disciplinary action.

  • Students must follow all safety guidelines and instructions given by faculty and management.

Note: The college reserves the right to modify these rules and regulations as needed and take appropriate disciplinary actions, including suspension or expulsion, for any violations. It is the responsibility of every student to familiarize themselves with and abide by this code of conduct.
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